What is POPEYE magazine?
Design by Sonoe S.
It’s 2013, and I’m in my Japanese 111 office hours talking with my homie Tetsu about fashion trends in Japan. He mentions that my style is similar to that of the editorials from popeye magazine, and brings a copy the next time we hang out. I’m hooked in instantly. The first time I flipped through the magazine, I felt almost as if I had teleported into a new world. A new world full of colorful styling and creative editorial photoshoots. I saw youths running the streets of Tokyo the same way my friends and I roamed around New York City. There were mouthwatering plates of katsu, and maps directing people to potential weekend spots to hit up while on a date that season. To this day I still can’t translate the articles but that might be part of the allure. It allowed my mind to create a narrative about each issue that fueled my dreams to travel there and experience the culture firsthand.
2013年、僕はJapanese 111のOffice hourで、homieのテツと日本のファッションについて語っていた。彼は僕の服装がPOPEYEに掲載されているものと似ていると指摘し、次回会った時に雑誌を持ってくると言った。僕はPOPEYEを初めて読んだ瞬間からハマった。まるで色鮮やかなスタイリングやクリエイティブな写真に溢れた新しい世界に飛び込んだようだった。僕が仲間達とシティ(ニューヨークシティ)で時間を過ごすように、東京の若者たちが東京で遊んでいる様子がはっきりと見えた。見ただけで唾液が止まらないぐらい美味しそうなカツの写真、シーズンに合わせた注目のお店やデートスポットを掲載したマップなど、言葉ではうまく表現できない魅力が詰まっている。POPEYEは毎月新たな視点を与えてくれて、日本へ行って直接カルチャーを感じたくなる構成をしている。
Popeye magazine is a monthly fashion and pop culture magazine based in Tokyo, Japan. The magazine features editorials, reviews, and advertisements based on the latest trends and styles that tie into its theme of being the “magazine for city boys”.
ポパイは知っての通り、ファッションやポップカルチャーを集めた雑誌だ。テーマである”Magazine for City Boys”の通り、最新のトレンドやスタイルにあった記事やレビュー、広告などを含む。
Now what exactly is a city boy and how did this magazine even come into existence? Popeye magazine was created by editor Yoshihisa Kanameri in 1976. Back then, there was no definition of what a city boy was. When creating the first issue, Kanameri wanted to capture the west coast lifestyle in California at that time period. From skateboarding, jogging, colorful running sneakers, and tennis shorts, the team wanted to capture the narrative of a culture that was completely foreign to Japan. That first issue was and remains a true time capsule. What they didn’t know at the time was that they had created the base for a legendary publication that would reach multiple generations across the world. Popeye has had legendary editors such as Hiroshi Fujiwara of Fragment and NIGO of Humanmade curate sections that influenced how the youth were taking in pop culture.
結局「City Boy」って何なのだろうか。製作者であるYoshihisa Kanameriさんが1976に雑誌を作成した際、「City Boy」の定義なんてなかった。Kanameriさんは元々、西海岸のカルチャーを取り上げたかったのだとか。スケートボード、カラフルなスニーカーでのランニング、テニスウエアなど日本にはなかった文化を取り入れることが目的だった。POPEYEの第一号は当初からも人気が高かったらしいが、製作者たちは自分たちが世界中で愛される雑誌につながるプラットフォームを作ったことを当時は知る由もなかった。ちなみに、POPEYEは藤原ヒロシ(Fragment)やNIGO(Humanmade)など、ポップカルチャーの最前線をいく人たちが編集者として担当していた。
Today, Popeye still publishes issues in print and digitally through their own proprietary app. They also recently launched their own web platform, popeyemagazine.jp, which they update daily with new content. Every issue is still reminiscent of their first issue as they connect readers to new adventures. If you're traveling in Japan, you can purchase it at any convenience store, book shop, or even on amazon. If you’re in the United States, you can always stop by your local Kinokuniya, Uniqlo bookshelf, or international magazine stand and pick up a copy today.
Written by Jayquel M. Williams
Translation by Taishi Misumi
Design by Sonoe Sawaguchi